The manuscript associated with the current version of
isRosenberg, M.S. (2024) MetaWin 3: Open-source software for meta-analysis Frontiers in Bioinformatics 4:1305969. DOI: 10.3389/fbinf.2024.1305969
A Brief History
Rosenberg et al. 1997) was first published as a small, commercial piece of software that made meta-analytical calculations more accessible to the burgeoning research synthesis community, particularly in the ecological sciences, and helped introduce the use of resampling methods into the meta-analytic statistical repertoire (Adams et al. 1997).

Version 2 of the software (Rosenberg et al. 2000) was substantially expanded over the original version, easier to use, and more flexible and powerful.
The original versions of
were written in Pascal and Delphi and depended on a number of commercially licensed packages. These developmental environments combined to functionally restrict the software to the Windows operating system and prevented any practial open source release as the software was otherwise uncompilable without these components. These also restricted further development and updates as the developmental components and systems gradually became incompatible with newer operating systems.Despite these limitations,
2 continued to be regularly used and cited decades after its original release.Primary Features
- Calculating Effect Sizes
- Pairs of Means
- Hedges' d
- ln Response Ratio
- Two × Two Contingency Table
- ln Odds Ratio
- Rate Difference
- ln Relative Rate
- Correlation Coefficients
- Fisher's Z-transform
- Probabilities
- Logit
- Pairs of Means
- Publication Bias
- Funnel Plot
- Egger Regression
- Rank Correlation Analysis
- Trim and Fill Analysis
- Analyses
- Basic Meta-Analysis
- Jackknife Meta-Analysis
- Cumulative Meta-Analysis
- Grouped Meta-Analysis
- Nested Group Meta-Analysis
- Linear Meta-Regression Analysis
- Complex/GLM Meta-Analysis
- Phylogenetic GLM Meta-Analysis
- Additional Graphs and Figures
- Scatter/Funnel Plot
- Weighted Histogram
- Forest Plot
- Normal Quantile Plot
- Galbraith (Radial) Plot